Getting started with Weex

1. Installation
With Yarn
yarn global add --ignore-engines weex-toolkit
2. Create App
weex create my-first-app
I chose -
Babel stage-0
Unit Tests : Yes
EsLint: Yes
Vue-Router: Yes
WebRenderer: 1.0.x
cd my-first-app npm install
Note: Phantom JS will be downloaded to handle web rendering preview and Unit Tests. If you disable unit tests, PhantomJS is not used (Maybe we can try to use headless chrome instead)
You'll see following output
Success! Created first-weex-app at /Users/championswimmer/Development/Personal/Weex/first-weex-app Inside that directory, you can run several commands: npm start Starts the development server for you to preview your weex page on browser You can also scan the QR code using weex playground to preview weex page on native npm run dev Open the code compilation task in watch mode npm run ios (Mac only, requires Xcode) Starts the development server and loads your app in an iOS simulator npm run android (Requires Android build tools) Starts the development server and loads your app on a connected Android device or emulator npm run pack:ios (Mac only, requires Xcode) Packaging ios project into ipa package npm run pack:android (Requires Android build tools) Packaging android project into apk package npm run pack:web Packaging html5 project into `web/build` folder npm run test Starts the test runner
3. Add Platforms
You should have XCode, CocoaPods for iOS
You should have SDK and Emulator for Android
weex platform add ios weex platform add android
4. Run Platforms
weex run ios
npm run ios
Same for Android
5. Add Typescript support
npm install -D typescript vue-property-decorator ts-loader@3
NOTE: ts-loader v3 is needed as we use Webpack v3
declare module "*.vue" { import Vue from 'vue' export default Vue }
declare namespace we { interface instance { /** This variable contains all environmental information for the current Weex page */ config: any /** Get all methods of a native module */ requireModule(name: string): any } } declare var weex: we.instance
Add a tsconfig.json (inside src folder)
{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "lib": [ "dom", "es5", "es2015" ], "typeRoots": ["types"], "module": "es2015", "moduleResolution": "node", "experimentalDecorators": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, "removeComments": true, "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors": true, "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, "strict": true } }
Changes in webpack
Note: Only highlighting portions to change
const weexEntry = { 'index': helper.root('entry.ts') } . . . . entry: Object.assign(webEntry, { 'vendor': [path.resolve('node_modules/phantom-limb/index.ts')] }), resolve: { extensions: ['.ts', '.js', '.vue', '.json'], }
Change entry.js to entry.ts
/* global Vue */ /* weex initialized here, please do not move this line */ import * as router from './router' import App from '@/index.vue' import Vue from 'vue' new Vue({ el: '#root', router, render: h => h(App) }) router.push('/')
In webpack.config.js and in config.js change entry.js
mentions to entry.ts
Written with StackEdit.